Your holiday experience of a lifetime starts here

If you’re looking for the perfect year-round climate, funky beaches, exotic nightlife, quaint local people, dog-friendly bordellos, piquant food, a low mosquito count, and every allurement of ‘a holiday to remember’, look no further than Luton!

Ideally situated in the very heart of England, and conveniently accessible by all major air, balloon, rail, barge and cabriolet services, Luton is deservedly the nation’s most popular budget vacation destination.

In this modest site, I have tried to convey - with the most painful honesty - my own passion for this little town whose ethnic lanes and leafy underpasses I have so often explored myself by horse and motor scooter, riding side saddle.

Please do take a moment from your busy day to sample at least one of my Luton Delights in the column at your left. And don't forget to reserve your copy of my book.

Welcome to Secret Luton!

Mrs Celia Fiennes
Diarist & widow

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Luton Feuilletons (Newspapers)

Luton has three principal newspapers, feuilletons or 'corantos'. Each is helpfully printed in small palm-sized editions, upon soft soluble paper, for its greater utility in the privy.
By tradition, the corantos are read aloud daily from 10am in every tavern, by whosoever in the place should be literate, for the benefit of the illiterate.

As Luton is a town of great diversity, all editions are distributed in Urdu, Farsi, hip hop and braille. An English language version may be had, but only by private subscription.
An edible digest of the week's events, printed on rice paper, is given out at the sign of the Newt and Cucumber in King Street each Sunday for those on income relief.

Be sure to enjoy the famous Luton Singing Breakfast! For a service charge of just one dandiprat, your innkeeper will bring cold Stum and hot collops to your bedroom every morning and also sing the headlines from your favourite coranto outside your shower cubicle.

To request a free sample of each newspaper, without obligation, posted to you in advance of your visit, contact:

The Tavern Crier: 01582 700666
The Luton Challenger: 01582 700610
The News of the Week (edible): 01234 300888

Be sure to mention Secret Luton when you call!